We are so used to a certain kind of mathematics, that when some one comes with a solution which is quite out of the blue, then all our calculations are disturbed. We live in a world, where the senior citizens find very little place; the married children try to build their own families, and may not want their parents to have a role in it. The in-laws may stand against anything the well-intentioned parents might say, and ultimately in order to let peace prevail, the aged parents may be forced to remain in seclusion, away from their children and their grand children. This is the reality we are used.
But the modern generation has also found a way out of this problem, of handling unmanageable old people. Homes for the aged is an institution today by itself; those men and women who could afford may make arrangements with a Home to keep their parents away. Everything here is taken care of, and there will not be any more nagging or uninvited intrusion into the private and personal matters of the families. Even when the old men and women may not wish to go to homes, situations may force them to seek asylum there.
Think of old men and women who have been thrown out of their own homes, and have no where to go! Think of persons who have no strong social security systems, which may take care of them when they are old! Luckily we have a group of women, in fact they are all religious sisters, who look after the elderly, and care for them specially. The beauty of these sisters is that they do not admit into their homes anyone who has enough money to find a way. Their doors are open only to the senior citizens who are helpless, have no one to care for, and therefore there is no monthly fees.
In today's world, it would cost at least rupees five thousand a month to look after a senior person, including the daily medicine they may have to take. This however may not include payments for a separate person (aaya), to keep a watchful eye of them. But then how do these sisters manage to look after the old? Through begging! Every day some sisters are appointed (often by rotation) to go begging from house to house, in order to feed the elderly. In a world which condescends begging, these women are not shy of begging for the sake of the elderly. And what is more surprising, there are more people who offer monetary support to the sisters to look after the old men and women.
What do the Sisters, who are known as Little Sisters of the Poor, gain in return for their services to the elderly? Nothing. In fact, their services cannot be adequately compensated by any means, because even their own children may not look after the old as well as these committed sisters. Then why should they do this kind of works? It is their charism, to reach out to the helpless poor old men and women; if they don't look after the old, then what would happen to the hundreds of such men and women. Thank God for them, today many of the helpless men and women find shelter and peace of mind in these havens of peace!