It suddenly occurred to me what the so-called inanimate beings which surround us would tell us if they had the gift of speech; what they would do, were they given the capacity to think. If only the walls were able to speak, then the humanity would be on the road. To the great advantage of humanity, we have placed around us mute witnesses, who can only see and hear and not speak. The amount of filth and rot that we carpet each day is known only to these things which see each of our movements. And we can rest in peace that they will never charge us, pull us up, or retaliate for all the evil we had done.
The cold-blooded murder that a person might have committed, making sure that no other human being on earth witnessed it. If the walls, furniture, books, bed, were to bear witness in the court, the world would be very different. They would have been able to prove beyond all doubt that there is no worse creature on earth than the human beings, and no better creature on earth than the very humanity. Unfortunately the earth is people with the good and the bad, and the only authentic and sincere creatures who can ever separate the ripe from the rotten ones are these.
I were God, then at least on an experiment, I would have given the gift of speech to these inanimate beings, at least for an hour. It might be too much of a time to really destroy humanity, so I might consider reducing the time to ten minutes. But imagine if all the bricks were to bear witness to what humanity has done to the universe, then their anger can burn the earth, and turn it to a hell. But then, evil may be destroyed for ever.
The most noble people sometimes are called the mad, the insane. These are often the people, who can speak to the so-called inanimate beings with the same ease and confidence that they are capable of communicating with the rational human beings. But we the ‘ordinary’ persons cannot accept such people as belonging to our category. Perhaps there is greater truth in being insane than humanly sane. When an insane person speaks to the clouds, to rocks and stones, to cows and buffaloes, do they not soar to a higher level than of humanity?
It would be a great blessing of God, if we are given the faculty to be blind to see the cruelty done to humanity, to nature and to the universe, to be deaf to the curses and insults humanity heaps on one another, to be insensitive to the culture of violence and torture that mindless men and women inflict of the innocent and the voiceless, to be out of my head to forget what is happening around me, so that the human pollution does not take away the spontaneity and innocence I entered the world with. In other words, I too wish to be turned into another mute witness to the maladies of the universe, and yet not touched by them.
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