It is beyond all doubt that there is an inextricable relationship between body and mind; body can affect the mind, and the vice versa. Psychologists believe that many of the sicknesses are not merely physical, but outcome of problems associated with the mental makeup. We cannot however say that all sicknesses are due to mental framework of persons; for instance if a person is diagnosed cancer or tuberculosis all of a sudden, it cannot be related to the mind of the person, or the mental problems he/she is going through. The modern day ‘saviors’ may claim that they have solutions to all the problems of the world and of humanity, but their claim has to be taken with a pinch of salt.
One of the greatest and most severe maladies of the modern age is tension; there is mental tension, and there is psychological tension. As a matter of fact, psychological tension puts stress on the mind, and that has an effect on the body. We might think that the psychological tensions are created by the world or the people around us, but if we observe the evolution of tension or stress in us, we would realize that the psychological tension too originates from the mind, and that in turn affects the body. Stress may also be the one of the most dangerous diseases plaguing the executives, beuorocrats and those men and women who had forgotten to rest. Those who give priority to their work over their bodies are bound to face tension sooner or later.
Just because there is a fountain of energy in our bodies does not necessarily mean that we have to exhaust it at will. We might realize one fine morning that the body is drained of all energy, and we might find ourselves helpless. It is like exhausting the natural resources. We realize more and more that the loss of natural resources is irreplaceable and irrevocable. The energy lost is lost forever, and we cannot hope to replace it by going through the best psychological tests and most sophisticated medication possible. Therefore it is important that we do not exhaust the energy of the physical and the mental area, but use it sparingly. The body can provide all the energy we need to turn the world upside down, but it would do it only at its own time and its own place.
While trying to make the best of technology and modern advancement, humanity has forgotten to relax; most of the people who run from pillar to post to make both ends meet know only one thing for sure, that they have to struggle hard to make a living; they cannot afford to relax, because that would mean they cannot have a bank balance at the end of the month. We are stuck with the idea that every family should have a bank balance for future, and for unforeseen expenses, or for any eventuality. We are almost sure that we cannot be happy without money kept in reserve for emergency expenses, but the fact is quite the contrary. When we have some money kept in the bank to manage the unforeseen expenses, our options in times of emergency are limited. Think of the possibilities when there is no ready-made answer.
When the mind is calm, then the body is relaxed. It is not too difficult to check if my mind is overly preoccupied or calm. I can stop all the work I am busy with for a minute, close my eyes and observe my mind – listen to the self-talk that is going on. What are the thoughts which flood my mind just now? I can observe the thoughts as they come one by one in the screen of my mind. That will give me a clue as to what I am obsessed with. Or another exercise, when I am drinking a cup of coffee, I should be able to really taste the coffee and the sugar; if I gup it in a few minutes, and don’t even make out if it was sugar or salt that was added to the coffee, then I am sure my body and mind are tensed. I need to find some ways of bursting my stress, so that I may enjoy life and all that it presents to me and to others.